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BGU Community Library Launch!

                 The journey continues in empowering brown girls with books and art. Previously I sought to write, illustrate and publish my own diverse books which focused girls of color as the main character. An amazing goal, and a lot of work, but I discovered that I'm more interested in representing brown girls in art than actually writing. Moreover my continued research has revealed a PLETHORA of brown girl books! Cool books about girls with magical puff hair, books about brown girl ballerinas, books about brown girls loving their hair in both English and Spanish, and so much more. There are so many great books out there about brown girls, by brown girls, and for brown girls. So my mission has changed from creating diverse books to promoting diverse books in minority neighborhoods. Creating access to diverse book for urban, black children and families.

                 So to kick start that new journey in my own neighborhood I have launched a free community library in my own front yard. Now I am calling it a "library" but essentially it is a filing cabinet filled with free books that children and adults can borrow from for free. I simply ask that people take a book, read it, and bring it back afterwards. I think it takes community involvement and exposure to diverse books to inspire kids to do things they never imagined. I wish to get those hard to find, amazing diverse books in circulation of my community. I want a community library that is a positive reflection of the demographic.

                 I put up the community library in July, and I just got a donation of diverse children's books last week, but I don't believe I have patrons yet. The books are still there. With this new venture arises new and wonderful dilemmas...

I need more diverse books to fill the library,
and How do I get the neighborhood kids interested in it.

 Now of course I will be incorporating some AMAZING art making with the community library, but in the meantime follow my journey and leave suggestions! More pictures are on the way.
(Can you tell that I'm a UF alum? I couldn't help myself, Go Gators!)
